Launching Finity — A Web3 Design System for Polygon by Cope.Studio

3 min readFeb 22, 2022


At Cope, good design is a mandate for every product we create. With the exponential increase in the number of dApps being created, some of them do not have the time to concentrate on designs. They’d rather make sure that the dApp is functional in the minimal time they get to ship the product. No wonder a lot of dApps could use a better UI/UX. We decided to take this matter into our own hands and fix it with a design system for Web3.

We’re launching Finity — A web3 design system built for the Polygon ecosystem. We’re making building dApps so easy for developers and designers with a number of elements, components, templates, and several basics of design covered. Finity will help in creating, launching, and scaling dApps quickly, while the best part is that the design system is ever-evolving. Our designers at Cope are always looking to add more elements, styles, and variants to the design system. This can also be extended by the contribution of the community.

All the components go greatly with each other, making it easy to combine and form new elements and components ranging from screens to buttons to icons. While early adopters can put up with a lot of inconveniences, most users take intuitive UI and smooth UX for granted. Addressing those expectations will be key in bringing Web3 to mainstream audiences.

Much of the Web2’s visual language, from the placement of elements to choice of color palettes, is based on psychology. Some practices have become ingrained through sheer ubiquity — think the three-dash hamburger icon for the options menu. Finity allows dApps to tap into that well of familiarity while also offering the freedom to invent new approaches unique to Web3.

With Finity, developers can easily customize styles and symbols, add their own elements and scale the designs, combine symbols to create multiple UI elements. What do you get?

  • Icons
  • Symbols
  • Typography
  • Spacing
  • Components
  • Color gradients
  • Templates for screens and panels
  • Imagery
  • Buttons and elements
  • Design guidelines and principles

A design system is much more than just a collection of tools, a pattern library, and a style guide. It includes abstract elements like values and shared beliefs. That’s where Web2 and Web3 part ways in spirit and in practice.

DApps are fundamentally different because they operate with concepts that have no analog in the Web2 world, including wallets, tokenomics, governance, and much more. Decentralized, uncensorable, and transparent, dApps are based on new technology and design needs to reflect this.

Cope, the team behind Finity, is a deep-tech studio that brings together design, NFTs, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and VR/AR with a focus on Metaverse. Polygon and Cope are also joining hands with Brevan Howard co-founder Alan Howard to create a moonshot factory for taking Web3 projects from an idea to product launch.

You can get started with Finity here. If you’re an Ethereum Developer, you’re already a Polygon developer! To leverage Polygon’s fast and secure transactions for your dApp, head over here. Keep up with the latest ecosystem developments on our blog.

Let’s bring the world to Ethereum!




A deep-tech studio building products and startups for the Metaverse.